
Altar, The

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Two altars -- one inner, one outer; one of gold, one of copper -- as they correspond to two very different versions of our emotional experience of life.
The alcoholic in recovery may find that after much honest and hard work, he has finally found a bit of peace. Now that he's finally made it, he doesn't see the great need to be as excited as he was when he was a giddy newcomer...
This class expounds upon the inner dimension of the mizbeiach – the altar upon which offerings were brought in the holy Temple.
The unique law of the altars not receiving impurity gives insight into the soul of every Jew…
“The Altar for the Burnt Offerings of Israel” After defining the guide­lines pertinent to the con­struction of the Beis HaMikdash as a whole in the first chapter of Hilchos Beis HaBechirah, the Rambam devotes the second chapter to the description of the a...
Judaism views every activity in life as an opportunity to connect with the Almighty. Nothing is trivial or without purpose. We’ve been given specific mitzvot to uplift the seemingly insignificant parts of our lives, yet we can lose ourselves in the daily ...
There were two altars in the Mishkan. Parshat Terumah teaches us about the copper altar, Exodus 27:1-8. upon which animal sacrifices and meal offerings were brought, and Tetzaveh tells us about the golden altar, Exodus 30:1-10. upon which incense was offe...
People love to joke about the many ways to pronounce and spell Chanukah. But what does chanukah actually mean?
How the precise location of the altar was determined in the Holy Temple. This Torah class is connected with the 9th of Av.
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