Sharon, Ariel |
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Video highlighting the relationship between the Lubavitcher Rebbe and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
2 Nissan, 5751-1991
Happy Pesach to all of Israel, and a message to Mr. Arik Sharon to remain strong in his beliefs, and not to be swayed.
1 Sivan, 5749 · June 4, 1989
The Rebbe instructs former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to stay strong in regards to all areas of Torah as pertains to the land of Israel.
An excerpt from a recently discovered 1969 recording of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon describing his second private audience with the Rebbe.
After the first El Al plane was hijacked to Algiers, the story began to circulate of the Rebbe’s advice to Ariel Sharon not to board that flight. Rabbi Zev Segal decided to corroborate the story with the Rebbe himself.
When we’ll be reunited with our loved ones
We believe that following the coming of Moshiach we will all be reunited with all the departed souls of our loved ones. Why is the resurrection of the dead such a fundamental belief in Judaism?
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