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Farbreng, Episode 12
A parable of an ill prince is given to explain the need to reveal the inner dimension of Torah, known as the Kabbalah, to make it accessible to the masses. (From “Messages”—Season 2, Episode 12)
Understanding the Inner Dimension of Torah
Rabbi Schapiro explains in clear, simple terms what kabbala really is, and how we are to approach the secrets of the Torah.
The Natural and the Miraculous
Which is greater, the natural or the miraculous? Rabbi Freeman charts the development of a kabbalistic doctrine from the Ari, to the RaSHaB to the Rebbe.
A Practical Training Session
Spiritual teacher, Rabbi Laibl Wolf, leads a workshop at Chabad of Oxford. He describes various focussing techniques and leads the group in a meditation exercise.
Reconciling the Mystical and the Legal Traditions within Judaism
Is there tension between spirituality and law? At first glance, it may seem difficult to reconcile the mystical and legalistic traditions within Judaism as represented by kabbalistic and Talmudic texts respectively. Professor Sandman offers an integrated ...
The Kabbalistic Image of Divine Royalty
The Divine attribute of Malchut (Kingship) is described as the bridge between G-d's infinity and His presence within finite creation.
The Kabbalistic Holiday of Lag BaOmer
A look at the increasingly popular interest in the holiday of Lag BaOmer, which was instituted by the author of the Zohar, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, to commemorate the day of his passing.
30 Shevat, 5750 · February 25, 1990
Rabbi Simcha Ashlag asks the Rebbe to endorse a proclamation that it is time for every Jew to study the classical works of Kabbalah.
Ten Levels of Freedom: Part 6
The final installment in a 6-part series, this class talks about how to best express all of the different freedoms discussed in the previous classes.
Ten Levels of Freedom: Part 5
Freedom of assembly is compared to the sefirah of Tiferet (beauty); the freedom of education is compared to Netzach (victory); the freedom of movement is compared to the sefirah of Hod; sexual freedom is compared to the sefirah of Yesod (foundation); and ...
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