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When Rabbi Kadoozy tries to teach Jonathan Hebrew, little misunderstandings lead to big laughs!
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 24, Devarim sicha 1
There is so much translation of Torah nowadays. In fact, Moshe was instructed to translate the Torah into all seventy language. Yet, it was problematic when the Sages needed to translate the Torah into Greek for the king Talmi. So is translating the Torah...
A deeper look into the names of Miriam, Moshe and G-d, and how understanding our own names and abilities can help us access our soul powers.
A look at attitudes to the traditional Jewish language in groups such as Belz, Gur, Breslav and Chabad.
This special collage shows individuals coming by the Rebbe, and receiving a lesson about the meaning and power of their Jewish names. (Collage)
Following an hours-long nocturnal struggle, as dawn breaks, a strange verbal exchange begins between Jacob and the mysterious creature that viciously attacked and maimed him. Fascinating analysis of the conversation’s contents lead us into a discovery of ...
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