
Hair Covering

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Why would a feminist, a true daughter of the Enlightenment, subject herself to a gendered and antiquated custom? And if a wig is intended to conceal a woman's beauty, shouldn't she wear an ugly wig, or better yet, a kerchief or scarf?
My Journey to Haircovering
The hats and scarves have led to many great discussions with Jews and non-Jews alike and many admire me for the choice. But the all time greatest head covering moment, and the moment that KosherCool was born, took place in the elevator at Time Warner...
Marriage comes with privileges -- and responsibilities. Learn about the Jewish responsibilities of the married individual.
A Woman's Journey of Understanding Modesty
Who we really are, our inner essence, that which makes us truly unique and not just another pretty face, should be the image that we want to convey...
Contemporary Halachah from Kitzur Shulchan Aruch
The extraordinary power of the Jewish mother
Using personal stories, Goldie Plotkin illustrates the special example Jewish mothers set to positively impress our kids through what may seem very small steps.
Reb Sholom Goldshmid was a student at 770 during the late 1940s and early 1950s. When it came time to start thinking about dating and marriage, it was the Rebbe who gave him the most important advice of all (c. 1951).
The food that a child eats and the air that he breathes have an important impact on a child. Likewise, the actions of parents have an effect on the child. Here, however, we learn that even the parents’ conduct before the child is born play an important ro...
Kabbalah teaches that hair is recognized for its spiritual power
Kabbalah teaches that hair is recognized for its spiritual power
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