
Judiciary; Judges

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Is he a liberal or a conservative? What's her position on issue X? ... Or should we be asking an entirely different set of questions?
Appointing Judges
Deuteronomy 16:18 "Appoint judges and officers in all your gates" The Torah contains laws and rules governing every aspect of our lives. It deals not only with how we pray in the synagogue, but how we should grow our crops, run our businesses and set up l...
Can a person be disqualified from leadership based on age alone?
You don't need to be an attorney to answer these questions correctly.
Women Learn Sefer HaMitzvot
Even if we feel it necessary to take another person to court, ensure it remains a “case” and does not descend into a “quarrel.”
For generations, the commentators have struggled with this story. : Why would Moses not have come to this realization on his own?
An Essay on Parshat Mishpatim
The contraction that manifests itself in Parshat Mishpatim exists in the nature of the world as well. In our lives, the most profound and uplifting things are found precisely in the mundane details of the daily routine.
In this day and age, most of the military is used for helping people around the world, reminiscent of Isaiah’s prophecy about the time of Moshiach.
Learning Pirkei Avot: chapter 1, mishnah 8-10
When sitting in judgment, do not act as a counselor-at-law. When the litigants stand before you, consider them both guilty… Increasingly cross-examine the witnesses… Love work, loath mastery over others, and don’t fraternize with the government.
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