Shemittah (Sabbatical Year)Knowledge Base » Calendar, The Jewish » Year, The » Sabbatical and Jubilee Cycles » Shemittah (Sabbatical Year)
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Pruzbul (9)
Question: I am owed money by Jews for goods and services provided over the past few months on credit. I expected all of the outstanding invoices to have been paid by Rosh Hashanah, but it’s beginning to look like some will not be paid by then. I did not l...
This class explains the deeper significance behind the mitzvah of Shemitah in relation to the release of debts.
This class discusses the spiritual dimension of the mitzvah of Shemitah relating to desisting from working the land.
Nachum Luria’s orchards specialize in etrogim, only the best of which can be used in Sukkot celebrations.
The Sabbatical year is associated with two mitzvot: 1) The land must be left unplowed and fallow. 2) All personal debts are canceled. There is a connection between these two precepts.
Faith is measured by actions, as is demonstrated by the Shemittah year—and the weekly Shabbat.
What is the greater wonder—G‑d’s ability to perform miracles, or our ability to trust in them?
We can talk at great length about our faith in G‑d and our trust in His absolute wisdom, goodness and beneficence. But do we put our money where our mouths are?
Six reasons for the Sabbatical year: The soil, a macro-Shabbat, making up for six years of Shabbats, a lesson in faith and humility, unity, and liberation.
We are forever asking: What is the reason? What is the meaning? We ask this question of all commandments and all occurrences, even those we supposedly understand . . .
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