Sara Esther Crispe |
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Dear Rachel (85)
The “bad” parent is not the one whose child ends up doing the wrong thing. The “bad” parent is the one who doesn’t intervene, react, and try to change the situation once it happens...
There is one time in our lives when we are definitively granted prophecy. And that is when we name our child . . .
Something else was bothering my friend. She couldn’t accept the fact that something so small and simple as saying a few words, or any of the multitude of actions that are done throughout my day, actually make a difference...
When I think about all the moments I have missed because they weren’t happening at a good time for me, I cringe. Those moments are gone, never to be experienced again. But there will be new ones. And those new ones I can be present for, if I readjust my s...
It was said innocently enough. “Don’t Jew me now!” There was a moment of silence. Everyone looked at me for a response. But I didn’t know how to respond . . .
This is not a holiday of splurging and materialism, but one of teaching our children how fortunate we have been, and how to help those less fortunate than ourselves...
So, what is the salt in our lives? It is the discipline. It is the rigidity. It is the boundaries and borders that are so very necessary. In small doses...
Often we wonder: if we end up in the same place, does it really matter how we get there? Boy oh boy, did I discover that it does. The journey is as important, if not more so, than the destination...
I find the parallels between protecting ourselves emotionally and the guidelines for protecting oneself physically to be amazingly similar . . .
Growing up, my husband dreamed of riding in the Tour de France. He trained for years, investing hours a day, with an incredible focus and dedication. He rode against the best. He lost against the best. And then, in the final race which would determine who...
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