
Dedication of the Tabernacle

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The three lessons we learn from the three kinds of donations brought by the Jewish people for the building of the Tabernacle, in the desert.
The Sanctuary, The Architects, Plan of the Sanctuary, The Holy Vessels, The Priests, Consecration of the, Tabernacle, Death of Nadab and Abihu, Cloud the and Pillars of Fire
Exploring Rashi’s commentary on who served in the inauguration of the Mishkan
When you study the initiation process of the Mishkan (Sanctuary) in the desert, you learn what empowers you, as a Jew, to be ready to fully commit to G-d.
Life Lessons from Parshat Shemini
The name of this Torah portion means eight, which is extremely special and central in Judaism. Explore the significance and the many areas where this number is expressed throughout Jewish life.
Woe to parents who discipline out of anger and, in their rage, forget their love.
Moses transmitted the Torah from its heavenly source to the people below, but Aaron actually caused the Divine Presence to come down to earth.
Even though Moses transmitted the Torah from its heavenly source to the people below, it is Aaron who actually caused the Divine Presence to come down to earth.
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 18
Upon completing the building of the Sanctuary in the desert, everyone was able to behold G-d's presence with their physical eyes. When Moshiach comes, G-d will be seen everywhere by everyone. What does it mean to see G-d and why can't we see him all the t...
How to Study Torah - Tzav
After seven days and nights of Aaron and his sons staying in the newly constructed Sanctuary in the desert, what transpired in the final, climactic moments of the Sanctuary's inauguration?
G-d’s presence didn’t rest in the Tabernacle until they offered atonement for the Golden Calf. Now, the Golden Calf didn’t deny G-d’s existence; it merely rejected the idea that a person could relate to G-d directly.
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