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Did you see the video of the tribe in Papua New Guinea singing the Shema Prayer in Hebrew? I found it fascinating!
An Introduction to Judaism for Non-Jews
A rabbi speaks to a non-Jewish group about Judaism's message to all humankind -- the Seven Noahide Laws.
Some say we need more and bigger government, since we can't trust people anymore. But would government be more trustworthy?
The Arab birth rate continues to outstrip the Jewish rate--and the government continues to discourage large families. How are we ever going to ensure that this place remains the Jewish homeland?
Shalom Rabbi, The cold-blooded murder of the rabbi and his wife in Mumbai is a disgrace. As a Muslim, I am ashamed of such actions done by ignorant idiots in the name of Islam. I challenge any and all of them to show evidence from the Quran or the Prophet...
An island of decency in a sea of depravity, was the hallmark of Noah. And so G-d despaired of Noah's generation and decided to begin anew the task of creating a human species worthy of its vaunted status.
This class details the parameters and intricacies of the seven Noahide laws; the mitzvot for all of humanity.
How Should Jews Relate to Noahides?
The Torah prescribes seven universal laws for all humanity. What is our role as Jews in observing these laws?
If Moral Relativism leads to chaos and Moral Absolutism to tyranny, what's left?
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