
Nissan, Month of

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Nissan is the first month, but it comes six months after the beginning of the year; Rosh Hashanah is the first day of the year, but it falls in the seventh month. Makes sense? It does, if you’re a Jew.
In our dual quests for the security of routine on the one hand and the excitement of change on the other, we've been quite successful in the former, but have failed miserably in the latter. Why is it so hard for us to have fun?
Here’s a fun way to see how much you know about the Jewish month of Nissan.
Nisan is one of the few months mentioned in the Torah by name. G-d refers to it as Chodesh HaAviv, the Month of Spring.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parsha of Tazria contains 67 verses and the mnemonic is the name ‘vaneha’ (her children). Explore the coded message in the mnemonic and its connection to the general themes of the parshah.
We are a truly free people. We must never feel that we need to be like anyone else.
Life Lessons from Parshat HaChodesh
On the Shabbat preceding the month of Nissan a special Torah reading is added, which discusses establishing the Jewish months and the Passover offering. Discover the special spirit of this month.
In the section of Parshas HaChodesh, G‑d says to Moshe and Aharon: “This month (Nissan) shall be the head of the months to you; it shall be the first month of the year.”Shmos 12:2. This directive encompasses the commandment of maintaining a lunar calendar...
Parshas HaChodeshThe Torah section in Parshas Bo that is always read prior to the month of Nissan, describing as it does the Jewish festive calendar (that begins in Nissan) and the laws of Pesach. begins with G‑d saying to Moshe and Aharon in Egypt: “This...
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