Cheshbon HaNefesh |
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The purpose of Step Four's inventory is not only to be able to identify the character defects that we wish to have removed, but also to become aware of our assets.
Maybe I have habits like selfishness or inconsideration. At some time in my past, these habits may have been ways of protecting myself. But now they form my E.G.O.: Edge G-d Out. And now, in Elul, I want to edge Him back in.
Having as many options as we do does not contribute to our peace of mind or tranquility.
Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Teshuva.
If we would dig, we would be surprised by the treasures we would find.
Many of us review our year and consider what we have done that requires atonement. But perhaps we should also be reconsidering our inaction—our not doing something—and how we can remedy that.
How fortunate we are that G-d, in his abounding kindness, wove the institution of nightly sleep into the fabric of our daily lives!
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