
Genetic Testing; Genetic Disease

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Learn how Vivi and her husband mustered the strength and positivity to raise their family, including four children who died due to a genetic disorder.
I asked when he would likely lose his ability to walk, and the specialist told me it would happen sometime around middle school.
The youngest son of Chabad emissaries in Connecticut needs constant care and special medical equipment
Ask anyone who knows him, and they’ll tell you the same thing: Seven-year-old Meir Samuels has the sweetest smile. Meir, the son of Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries Rabbi Mendel and Blumie Samuels—co-directors of Chabad of the Farmington Valley in Weatogue, Co...
Genetics is a family matter, whether we like it or not.
I have gone cross-country skiing, kayaking and rowing. I have even been interviewed on television. I have done all these things . . . and I have a physical disability.
When Vinegar Burns
Chemotherapy . . . that was what cancer patients were treated with. “Is leukemia cancer?” I asked. The doctor nodded. I ran out of the room...
Every conceivable kind of breast cancer was explained, as well as resources where I could obtain whatever I needed. I didn’t read any of it. It terrified me. I was numb, and felt that I had lost control of my life . . .
"I want you to come and see me. Make an appointment for next week. We will talk then. Goodbye." I felt cold inside; other worldly, trembly with fingers of relentless ice slipping like slime through all the arteries of my body. This was it; this is what I ...
A Blessing in Disguise
Last year my world was turned upside down. It was an ordinary Sunday morning except for the fact that I had an appointment with my doctor to go over the results of the yearly blood work I had done a couple of days earlier...
In Memory of Stephanie Jurnovoy Palmieri
I can remember visiting her in the hospital immediately following her surgery. We just stared at each other thinking how bizarre the whole situation was. It was surreal, and we both felt like it was happening to someone else...
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