Some notes: Most types of meat freeze well. Definitely roast or brisket. Cakes, cookies, and most desserts freeze well too. Chicken and vegetable dishes are usually better when they have not been frozen. If you have more specific questions, feel free to drop a note in the comments and I'll do my best to help.
Shanah Tova!
1. Round Challah with Sweet Crumb Topping
It’s traditional to use round challahs for Rosh Hashanah, to represent the cycle of life. It’s also customary to eat sweet foods at this time, to symbolize our desire for a sweet year ahead, hence the raisins and sweet crumb topping.

2. Cinnamon Raisin Challah

3. Cinnamon-Sugar Vegan Spelt Challah

4. Apple-Mint Salad with Lime Vinaigrette
Add something refreshing to the mix that celebrates apples—one of the traditional Rosh Hashanah foods. You could also add a cup of pomegranate seeds to this recipe for the holiday.

5. Simple Beef and Carrot Rosh Hashanah Tzimmes
On Rosh Hashanah, we try to eat sweet foods to symbolize our wish for a good, sweet year ahead. It is also customary to eat foods whose names in the vernacular allude to blessing and prosperity, and the Yiddish word for carrot, meren, also means “to multiply.”

6. Simanim Rice Pilaf

7. Ginger-Infused Roasted Carrot Soup
Not a big tzimmes fan? Prefer something less sweet? That doesn’t mean doing away with the carrots altogether. Try one of these:

8. Honey-Mustard Salmon with Pomegranate Salsa

9. Spiced Roasted Carrots

10. Braised, Charred Leeks
Not a carrot, but leeks are an oft-underappreciated allium that we celebrate on Rosh Hashanah.

11. Melt-In-Your-Mouth Brisket
Brisket has become synonymous with Rosh Hashanah, and this is one of the most popular recipes I’ve ever shared, so give it a go.

12. Wine and Pomegranate Braised Brisket

13. Basic Brisket with Root Vegetables

14. Pomegranate Braised Brisket
From the new and very popular Peas, Love, Carrots cookbook!

15. Fruity “Sweet New Year” Roast

16. Tzimmes-Smothered Chicken
If you prefer chicken, try this one-pan dish that has you covered for both chicken and tzimmes. It’s a win-win! (Also, it tastes good.)

17. Apple and Honey-Mustard Chicken

18. Apple Noodle Kugel with Cinnamon Crunch Topping
If you’re looking for sweet noodle kugels, we’ve got some of those:

19. Sweet Brown Rice Kugel
Similar to rice pudding, but a little more solid so you can cut it into pieces. (Ok, it’s not technically a noodle kugel, but I’m going to leave it here anyway.)

20. Carrot and Apple Slaw

21. Warm Fall Salad: Black Rice with Sweet Potato, Parsley, Pomegranate
If you’re not into kugel, here’s a show-stopping side dish you can serve. (Don’t be scared of the black rice!)

22. Fennel Citrus Salad
A couple more salads. You may need to substitute some ingredients to fit with your Rosh Hashanah customs. Vinegars can generally be replaced with lemon juice (balsamic, not as much), and nuts can usually be omitted or replaced with sunflower or pumpkin seeds.

23. Simanim Salad
A salad incorporating many of the symbolic Rosh Hashanah foods.

24. Perfect Roast Chicken

25. Apple and Honey Tart
Dessert, dessert, dessert! This is probably the easiest dessert on the list.

26. Strawberry-Apple Fruit Compote

27. Honey Cake with Lemon Drizzle

28. Pomegranate Cupcakes

29. Sweet and Sticky Teiglach
A sweet Rosh Hashanah classic that will bring back memories of Bubby’s kitchen.

Wishing you all ketivah vachatimah tovah—may you be written and inscribed for a sweet new year.
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