This haftarah is a prophecy by Isaiah regarding the messianic time to come. He foretells of “a staff from the shoot of Jesse,” father of King David, upon whom the Divine spirit will rest and who will be able to judge honestly by way of smell.
The prophet tells us that “the wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie with the kid goat; the calf and the young lion will graze together, and a young lad shall lead them.”
He continues to describe how G‑d will gather the exiled Jews from all over the world, to bring them back home to the Holy Land. In the newly constituted Jewish kingdom, the ancient rivalry between Judah and Ephraim will end, and they will join forces to subdue their historic enemies.
At that time, Israel will sing G‑d’s praises, thanking Him for all that he did and does for them, even that which had once appeared to be punishment but has now been revealed to be goodness in disguise.
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