
Day Eight (Deuteronomy 15:19 - 16:17)

It’s All About the Timing
But did you ever wonder what would happen if the bird got there too early?
Why the Soul Loves the Body
Body and soul are opposites. The soul wants nothing more than to escape heavenward, to leave its existence in this world and reunite with its Infinite Source. The body, on the other hand, seeks to experience an earthly life full of earthly pleasures.
The Price of Spiritual Growth
Chassidic teachings unveil the pathology of “spirituality without sacrifice” through a fascinating halachic analysis. It revolves around the issue of kosher grain.
Grain, Growth and Goodness
We are inclined to believe that all intellectual and artistic endeavors are inherently positive. There are those who would argue that untrammeled intellectual and artistic expression is itself a fundamental good . . .
Last Day Pesach Haftarah Companion
For an informed reading of Isaiah 10:32–12:6
There will be no clashing of egos because it will only be about G-d.
Reveal What Is Hidden
The way of G-d is to "journey forth," making this world into a home for G-d.
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