
Day Two (Leviticus 22:26 - 23:44)

The Price of Spiritual Growth
Chassidic teachings unveil the pathology of “spirituality without sacrifice” through a fascinating halachic analysis. It revolves around the issue of kosher grain.
Six Days Shall Work Be Done
What is “Yashan”?
I’ve noticed that next to the kosher certification on certain baked goods, it says “Yashan.” What does this mean?
Giving G-d Your Challenges
Anyone who has tried to work through a character flaw will concede that it is very difficult. And even if there seems to be a shift today, how can I know that tomorrow won’t bring back the same old demon?
Grain, Growth and Goodness
We are inclined to believe that all intellectual and artistic endeavors are inherently positive. There are those who would argue that untrammeled intellectual and artistic expression is itself a fundamental good . . .
A commentary on the haftarah of the second day of Passover
Second Day Pesach Haftarah Companion
For an informed reading of II Kings 23:1–9, 21–25
Sefirat HaOmer and Prayer: Unfinished Business
When a new will is drawn into the world, it affects all of existence.
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