Moses' father-in-law, Jethro (Yitro), who lives in Midian, hears the news of all the amazing miracles that G‑d did for the Jewish people, and he decides to go visit. So he, together with his daughter, Moses' wife Tzipporah, and their two sons Gershom and Eliezer leave Midian and head for the desert, where they meet Moses.
Now, Jethro sees that Moses is incredibly busy, because anytime the
Jews have a problem, or they want to understand how to do a certain mitzvah,
they come to Moses.
And so, every day, from morning until night, Moses sits and
answers questions. Jethro tells Moses that doing this is too hard for him and
will wear him out. Instead, he suggests, Moses should appoint judges who will be
in charge of smaller groups of people, and then if those judges don't know the
answers, they will go to the higher judges in charge of larger groups, and if
those don't know, they'll go to the higher level judges, all the way up, until
it reaches Moses. This way, Moses will only get the hardest questions, and he'll
have time for other things. Moses does as his father-in-law suggests, and
appoints the judges. Then Jethro leaves to return to Midian, and Moses sees him
Next, the Jews travel to a part of the desert called Sinai, where G‑d tells them that if they accept the Torah, they will be a chosen and special nation. The Jews respond, "Everything that G‑d has said, we will do!" So they are told to prepare for three days for a very awesome event that will take place on Mount Sinai. Also, they receive instructions about the mountain. Because it is so holy, no one is allowed to touch it, and they must be very careful to not even come too close.
On the third day, there is booming thunder and flashes of
lightning, and the Jews all go to Mount Sinai. There, they see a thick cloud
over the mountain and hear a long, powerful blast of a shofar. Then G‑d comes
down to the mountain and proclaims the Ten Commandments.
These Ten Commandments set the standard for goodness in the world; here they are:
- Belief in G‑d
- Not to worship idols or other gods
- Not to swear falsely in the name of G‑d
- Keep the Sabbath
- Honor your parents
- Do not kill
- Be faithful to your spouse—do not engage in immoral behavior
- Do not steal
- Do not testify falsely against somebody else
- Do not be jealous of what your friend or neighbor has
When G‑d began to speak the commandments, it was too powerful and overwhelming for the Jews to hear. So they begged Moses to receive the Torah from G‑d and then tell it to them. Then, Moses went up to the mountain.
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