Imagine the scene: Moses has been directly challenged by Korach and his henchmen and accused of deceit, nepotism, graft and corruption. Moses had every right to feel aggrieved at these unjust allegations and could have been forgiven had heMoses had previously made overtures of peace, all to no avail sought revenge against the plotters. However, that’s not the Moses way.

Moses had previously made overtures of peace and prayed that his accusers should see the light, but it was all to no avail as G‑d commanded, “separate from the tents of these wicked men so that they can be punished with a horrible death.”1

It was too late; nothing could be done to save them. However, even then, rather than instantly obey G‑d’s commands, “Moses arose and went to Dathan and Abiram.”2

The Rebbe once discussed this visit of Moses to his enemies and demonstrated from the text and context that rather than just clearing the area around their tents to protect the innocent, or gloating at the downfall of those who had wronged him, Moses was approaching them in a gesture of respect and conciliation. He “went to them” submissively, as an overture of peace, in an effort to bring them to repentance.

What on earth was he doing? Dathan and Abiram were his sworn enemies. Back in Egypt, they’d tried to have him killed, and now in the desert they were the leaders in the insurrection against his authority. But Moses didn’t care. Going beyond the letter of any law and exceeding all logic, he made it his personal mission to reach out again and again. Maybe, just maybe, even until the last moment, he would succeed in inducing them to teshuvah, and their lives could be spared.

The Torah commands us to love our fellow as ourselves, and that became Moses’ mission in life. Moses did not just preach love and forbearance; he lived it. He didn’tMoses didn't just preach love; he lived it just suggest to others the path of morality and patience, but was willing to risk his own life to try to save those who hated him. No matter the pressure and in spite of the provocation, Moses demonstrated that he truly cared.

The Rebbe pointed out that the lesson we all can learn from this story is the responsibility to reach out to others and help them come closer to G‑d. If Moses was willing to sacrifice his own honor on behalf of rebels and sinners, we must, at the very least, be willing to reach out to those guilty of nothing more than ignorance. No matter how little we know or observe, there are those who know even less, and it is our duty and privilege to share.