In this week’s portion, Balak, we read how the wicked Balaam sets out to curse the Jews, but in the end, G‑d has him bless them instead.

Balaam goes on to foretell the coming of Moshiach.

Why was the prophecy of Moshiach’s coming voiced by a wicked, Jew-hating person like Balaam?

Just to add fuel to the fire, this prophecy is found in the portion of Balak, named after a wicked, Jew-hating king. There are no mitzvahs in this parshah, and it ends with the Jewish people reaching a new low. As far as Torah portions go, this one seems to be the lowest.

In what seems to be the lowest Torah portion, the lowest of people prophesies the greatest event in history. Why?

This is truly a testament to the power of the soul—the G‑d-given ability to transform even the darkest of places, the darkest of situations, to see goodness.

We have the ability and the obligation to shine light and transform even the lowest areas of life to holiness. What’s more, G‑d puts us in these dark situations and gives us the power to transform them.

And when you lift from the bottom, you lift up the whole thing.

That is the message found in the fact that the prophecy of Moshiach comes to use from Balaam in the portion of Balak. Even a Balaam is changed to say Moshiach’s prophecy.

How amazing are the Jewish people? Through us, the lowest, darkest situations and most evil people can and will be transformed to goodness and light. We are truly amazing.