
Sukkot Programming Focuses on Teaching Children About Jewish Unity

October 28, 2008
Mirroring the efforts of Chabad-Lubavitch institutions worldwide, several centers in New York devoted a portion of their Sukkot programming to promoting Jewish unity among the younger generation. In one instance, more than 400 children attended a rally hosted by the Released Time program of the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education at the Bukharian Jewish Community Center in Queens. Meanwhile, in Orange County, Rabbi Pesach and Chana Burston used the lead-up to the weeklong fall festival to educate their Chabad House’s preschoolers and Hebrew school students about the Four Species and the special mitzvah of eating in a sukkah.
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At the Bukharian Jewish Community Center in Queens, more than 400 children got to hold the Four Species in a sukkah outside before venturing indoors for a grand rally sponsored by the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education, which provides Jewish programming for public school students.
At the Bukharian Jewish Community Center in Queens, more than 400 children got to hold the Four Species in a sukkah outside before venturing indoors for a grand rally sponsored by the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education, which provides Jewish programming for public school students.

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