
Chabad-Lubavitch Women Gather for Annual Convention

January 31, 2013 1:00 PM
More than 3,000 Chabad-Lubavitch women emissaries from around the world are attending the 2013 International Convention of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries in New York City. (Photos: Mushka Photography)
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From the first Kinus gathering in 1984 with roughly 65 attendees, to the current number of more than 3,000, the Kinus Hashluchos is an annual reunion of international importance, bringing Shluchos, women emissaries together to reconnect, recharge and refocus.
From the first Kinus gathering in 1984 with roughly 65 attendees, to the current number of more than 3,000, the Kinus Hashluchos is an annual reunion of international importance, bringing Shluchos, women emissaries together to reconnect, recharge and refocus.

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Rachel Lessem Fairfield, Ca via jewishsolano.com February 1, 2013

Many blessings Aidel Blau Zaklos, may you enjoy wonderful things from this event. Will be listening to the event on Sunday.

Thinking about you and missing you. Reply