
Young Rabbis Take Recreational Vehicles Across Russia

August 23, 2012 5:30 PM
One group, comprised of Mendel Mondshine and Mendy Bekerman of Moscow and Yisrael Gotlieb of Nikolayev, took their camera with them to share highlights of their trip.
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In Nizhny Novgorad, local Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Menachem Rabinowitz organized a house visit to a police lieutenant who wanted to put up three mezuzahs in his home.
In Nizhny Novgorad, local Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Menachem Rabinowitz organized a house visit to a police lieutenant who wanted to put up three mezuzahs in his home.

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Lasarusa Yehuda Sovea Ben-Zion Suva, Fiji Islands September 11, 2012

Young Rabbis Travel Across Russia This visitation I can say, brings goodwill to people up the far north; and best of all it has been HaShem's inspired work/journey. Amen. Reply