Israeli high school students returned to classes after a marathon two-month strike by their instructors ended this month, but a handful in the town of Nes Tziyona are refusing to give up their other new-found responsibility as deliverers of food to area Holocaust survivor.

And even as they crack open once-discarded text books, the 35 high-school students who volunteer for Rabbi Sagee Har-Shefer at the Chabad House in the central Israeli town are continuing their rounds after school.

Har-Shefer said that its dedication like that that has left not one Holocaust survivor in Nes Tziyona without food.

"Every day, our workers and volunteers help prepare and serve or deliver hot lunches to 186 Holocaust survivors in the city," said Har-Shefer this week.

In addition, many stop by the soup kitchen operated by the Chabad House, and stick around for various activities, including some of the 87 weekly classes there.

"The fact that they have to come to a soup kitchen to eat every day shows that they are not receiving enough help from the government and other organizations," he added.

All of Nes Tziyona's estimated 600 Holocaust survivors also receive monthly food packages from the Chabad House, containing flour, sugar, oil, cakes and crackers. Har-Shefer said that funding for the program comes from a number of organizations and individuals and that some companies provide products for free.