Representatives of the Joint Distribution Committee in the former Soviet Union held a four-day conference at the Jewish Community Center in Yetaterinburg, Russia. The center, under the leadership of Chabad-Lubavitch, catered kosher meals for the conference, meetings of which took place in the center's synagogue. The gathered representatives, headed by Rabbi Asher Osterin, thanked the Chabad emissaries in the Siberian city for their hospitality...
The city of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, hosted an inter-generational meeting of Jewish war veterans and local youth this week at the Levi Yitzchak Schneerson Chabad Day School. "These veterans represent our undying memory, our living legends, our efforts to educate children," said Laris Kurilenko, the event's coordinator...
Rabbi Nochum Light, co-director of Chabad of Anne Arundel County in Annapolis, Md., told the Jerusalem Post that his community is ready to provide kosher food, lodging and Shabbat services to the Jewish guests of the as-yet unscheduled summit about Israel to be hosted by the United States...
Thousands of Jews are learning sections of the Mishnah in memory of Mrs. Charlotte Rohr, who died last week. The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute prepared a special booklet for the project and is available at numerous Chabad-Lubavitch centers across the globe or by emailing The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute
In an event co-sponsored by Chabad-Lubavitch of the Main Line in suburban Philadelphia and the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, radio talk show host Michael Medved addressed hundreds of people at a local middle school to set the record straight about lies often told about Israel...
In town for a series of trade meetings, Israeli Minister of Trade Industry, Trade and Labor Eli Yishai stopped by Lubavitch Chabad of the Loop, the Chicago Chabad House directed by Rabbi Meir Chai and Rivkah Benhiyoun. The Shas-party head and deputy prime minister joined the congregation for the morning prayer service and then addressed those in attendance, reportedly saying: "In all of my travels abroad, I have been repeatedly amazed at the self-sacrificing dedication and at the wonderful achievements of Chabad shluchim." …
The Jewish community of Buenos Aires, Argentina, celebrated a double-bris recently as two local teenagers – a 19-year-old who had his bar mitzvah this past Simchat Torah and a 16-year-old – underwent ritual circumcision with the help of the Os Bris Kodesh organization in the country. Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries in the city attended the ceremony, as well as a feast in honor of the occasion. …
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