September 2018
Holiday Watch
Friendship Circle provides special headphones and the dancing goes on
Program sends kids home with a weekly taste of their heritage
North America
Center will serve an evolving mix of longstanding residents, business people and young families
Holiday Watch
How Manhattan’s Upper East Siders do the holiday mitzvahs
North America
Holidays provides a time and place for a reeling community to gather and reflect
Growing Jewish life in suburban Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Known for his unending belief in the potential of each child
Holiday Watch
Inmate thanks a visiting rabbi who helped turn his life around
North America
Despite floodwaters from Hurricane Florence, Chabad will hold services on the High Holiday
North America
Covering the disaster, one Emmy-nominated reporter is grateful for a special Shabbat delivery
Dual U.S.-Israeli citizen advocated for IDF troops
North America
Chabad provides help from just outside Florence mandatory evacuation area
North America
Catastrophic flooding predicted in the Carolinas
Campus Life
Chabad couple brings programs and learning to Jewish staff and future doctors
Holiday Watch
Remembering the dead, comforting families, honoring first responders
Book Bag
‘Jewish Living Simply Explained’ covers more than 100 topics
Retired aerospace worker from France befriended by a young rabbi in Ramat Gan, Israel
Kramer’s grandfather, father and uncles played vital roles in helping Chabad take root in America and in rescuing the sixth Rebbe from Russians and Nazis
In the Media