Three years after purchasing the property that sparked an ultimately victorious legal showdown with the city of Hartford, Conn., and its zoning board, Chabad Chevra will join Jewish students, community leaders and University of Hartford president Walter Harrison in inaugurating the new Rohr Chabad House.
According to Rabbi Yosef Kulek, who founded the organization under the direction of Rabbi Yosef Gopin of Chabad-Lubavitch of Greater Hartford, the April 29 ceremony and dedication brunch will provide an opportunity to thank the community for its support.
Since Superior Court Judge Maria Araujo Kahn ruled the city’s limiting Jewish use of the building – which had formerly been used as a church – both unfair and illegal, the Chabad House has been able to put up a sign and publicize events. And it no longer must limit attendance to 40 people.
At the ceremony, Chabad Chevra will recognize the support of David and Rhoda Chase and family, as well as Alan and Marcia Lazowski and family. Susan and Simon Kaye will also be given the Parent Award.
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