Chabad-Lubavitch rabbinical students are returning to Iceland months after leading Passover Seders for Reykjavik’s small but energetic Jewish community.

Rabbi Berel Pewzner of Harrisburg, Pa., arrives in the North Atlantic nation next week with colleague Rabbi Berel Grunblatt of Argentina. They’ll preside over High Holiday services that begin the night of Sept. 28.

Pewzner has been in Iceland before, having travelled there with Rabbi Mendy Tzfasman and running Seders for some 75 Jewish residents. The celebrations this past spring were featured in the country’s largest newspaper.

“I was raised to help every Jew,” said Pewzner, whose visit is being coordinated by Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, the educational arm of Chabad-Lubavitch. “I love meeting Jews and seek to assist them in any way possible. There was a consensus that the Seders were only the beginning, and that we have to have more Jewish gatherings.”

Though he’s been all over the world, including Russia, Azerbaijan, Peru, the Cayman Islands, France, and Germany, Pewzner said Iceland was an extraordinary place.

“I have never seen such an interest and real need for the work that we do, as I have seen in Iceland,” said Pewzner.