The Friendship Circle chapter run by Chabad-Lubavitch of the Upper East Side honored 46 local teenagers for their dedication to children with special needs at its annual Evening of Recognition in New York City.
Held May 13 at the Schneerson Center for Jewish Life, the event brought together volunteers from Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School, the Dalton School, the Dwight School, the Abraham Joshua Heschel High School, the Hewitt School, Horace Mann High School, the Mayanot Yeshiva for Girls, the Ramaz School, Riverdale Country School, SAR Academy, Trevor Day School, and the Trinity School. Asst. District Attorney Gary J. Galperin presented the awards.
The Upper East Side Friendship Circle is part of a Chabad-Lubavitch run network of international programs that pair teenage volunteers with children with special needs.

Attendees of the Friendship Circle’s annual Evening of Recognition arrive at the Schneerson Center for Jewish Life in New York City.

Guests at the Evening of Recognition included volunteers, their parents, participants’ parents, and supporters of the Friendship Circle.

Victoria Chassin shares her experiences volunteering for the Friendship Circle.

Rabbi Ben Tzion and Chanie Krasnianski direct Chabad-Lubavitch of the Upper East Side.

Asst. District Attorney Gary J. Galperin presented awards to teenage volunteers representing high schools throughout the city.

Friendship Circle participants and their families were also honored.

Cory Shoshany, one of the Ramaz School eighth-graders who volunteered for the Friendship Circle as part of Project Kehillah, addressed the crowd.

Attendees enjoyed a lavish dinner at the May 13 event.

Chanie Krasnianski, left, with the mother of a Friendship Circle volunteer, and Friendship Circle coordinator, Esti Estreicher, right.
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