Sydney, Australia’s Yeshiva Centre celebrated the arrival of a new Torah scroll dedicated specifically for the use of teenage students and worshippers.
Attended by staff, families and students of the city’s Cheder Chabad-Lubavitch, a fully acrredited school also known as Yeshiva College Bondi that gives primacy to Torah education, the dedication ceremony featured a festive meal and dancing.
The new scroll will be used by the Yeshiva Centre’s Youth minyan, a collections of boys between the ages of 13 and 17 who hold their own Shabbat services.
During the proceedings, Rabbi Pinchus Feldman, regional director of Chabad-Lubavitch in the state of New South Wales, called attention to the collective work of Rabbi Michael Chriqui of the city’s Sephardi Synagogue, Rabbi Dovid Wilanksy of Yeshiva Youth, and Rabbi Shmuel Feldman, director of the Yeshiva Centre, in commissioning the new Torah and organizing the celebration.

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