
The Trend of the Future

Globalization & the End of Work: Lesson 8

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The Trend of the Future: Globalization & the End of Work: Lesson 8

The final lesson in this series summarizes human history as a progression through the ages of hunter/gatherer societies, agriculture, industrialization, information, and finally, the Messianic Age and compares them to the levels of the inanimate, vegetative, animal, human and G-dly Unity.
Moshiach and the Future Redemption, History

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Miryam Usa August 7, 2022

Loved the entire teaching. Great job. Today Rabbah Reply

Mabel Butenschøn Oslo, Norway June 23, 2011

Thanks Thank you for sharing. The way it is verbalized is new to me, but I know it's true. I recognize it in my self, and although with vaguer words and with other sounds, this is what one must conclude also from pure and earnest observation. How nice to hear it explained with references to Hebrew and in a Biblical context! It gives more strenght to my inner conviction. My society (for a period) seems like reverting to adore the hunting and gathering position. It will just be a matter of time before change when all the fragments of life spiritually will be understood and sewn together. Reply

Shmuel Boston January 27, 2011

This class won't play The latest in this wonderful series has a posting saying that it won't screen until January 24th...todays the 27th. Help please! Can't wait to finish the series.

Thanks and Shabbat Shalom! Reply

marie pa January 25, 2011

Thank you I look forward to your lectures, thank you Rabbi. Reply

Anonymous January 24, 2011

The Trend of the Future In comparison i view this subject as if i was looking at a family tree. i picture all of mankind on this family tree like Jew and gentile are related to G-d. With the advancement of knowledge from the beginning of life as projected to (Adom), Adam. We had to listen to (Chava), Eve in order to know the levels of change to write down. This would help save the fruit of the tree of knowledge which G-d created before human beings. This would help regain the Garden of Edom to G-d by the sweat of our brow and the fruits of our labor. For what He created sprouted forth and multiply for the salvation of His creation. Reply

Chana Bellon palo alto, Ca January 24, 2011

globlization&endof work Amazing, Wow I enjoy how easy he tried his ideas together to explain his veiw I can see by his teaching how one step leads to another and how the messianic age will tie it all together
really great thank you so much Reply

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