
“The World is Flat”

Globalization & the End of Work: Lesson 5

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“The World is Flat” : Globalization & the End of Work: Lesson 5

Leveling the economic playing field through a mentality of abundance rather than scarcity; how the vertical hierarchy has become manifest on a horizontal plane.
Moshiach and the Future Redemption, Information Technology, Equality & Egalitarianism, Economy, The

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Tash South africa October 18, 2021

So please clarify, if we have the wisdom or dna of a humans form, all the humans information. Are you saying man will be able to create humans living soul embodied humans not Golems? Or animals? Reply

Leonard J. Gee Garden City, Mich. January 11, 2011

"Dividing Wates" A metaphor which you Rabbi very aptly explained in comparison to Mose Rabbenu and the dividng of the waters. The two divisions as the upper level(-wisdom) and the lower level as (human knowledge & technology) all headed to a singularity at some point in time is tantamount to human logic and reasoning collectively leading to a single "Force" . As I understand to be Messianic & completeness. I enjoy deciphering meraphors that are explained in the manner which you Rabbi presented. Look forward to others. Thanks much Reply

Mr. Robert Burdman January 4, 2011

The World is Flat Dear Rabbi Crispe: This was a very good class. I was able to understand the main points of the presentation and enjoyed the newness of the many definitions and elucidations given. To me, this particular class is one of your best presentation
Shalom Reply

PLeigh Burlington, vt January 4, 2011

Chabad Rabbis are brilliant ....thank you for brining the world closer to G-d. Reply

Mia Sherwood Landau Sherman, Texas January 3, 2011

Your whole series Rabbi, I sat and watched your entire series tonight. It is truly electrifiying, especially since I work online and just today was researching the concept of "cloud computing" which is shared information, immediately accessible by members of a population. Your talks have given me a spiritual understanding of the technical/mechanical reality of a cloud of spiritual information, immediately accessible to humans who choose to connect to the Source. Thank you so much for your clear presentation of these very deep, very timely crucial concepts. Reply

Anonymous January 3, 2011

“The World is Flat” With the arousal of the wisdom intake and the attraction of the spiritual relationship both the earthly and the heavenly should gravitate towards each other, i would hope. Like gravity this may vary using the levels in which your own person has leveled the thought of the playing field. Once we have shown that our own energy can be controlled then G-d Blessed Be His Name, pulls all worlds towards Him. Mankind is only limited in what they do. If we over come ourselves then we have shown to G-d we are ready for what ever His Will may be. Love these lectures good stuff. Reply

Susan Oklahoma City, OK December 30, 2010

I have listened to many lectures on chabad.org, but this is one of the most poignant! Thank you, Rabbi! Keep 'em coming! This is one to listen to day after day. So much to absorb! Reply