
From Zero to Non-Zero Sum Games

Globalization & the End of Work: Lesson 2

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From Zero to Non-Zero Sum Games: Globalization & the End of Work: Lesson 2

Five levels of the soul as they correspond to five ages in human history leading up to and culminating with the Age of Moshiach.
Information Technology, Progress, Soul, levels of

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Anonymous darien January 28, 2011

Thank you This is a very remarkable series. Thank you for the gift of vision. I keep returning here to see if it is available in a portable format. Reply

Anonymous Houston, TX USA January 19, 2011

From Zero to Non--- ---to have such a G_D gifted understanding of G_D'S plan. YOU ARE BLESSED!!!!! Reply

sheila monrovia December 28, 2010

zero thank you for your insight of the evolution of our world my eyes have been opened and have obtained a better understanding of mankinds nature to resort to selfish mantality to gain power and call it success. Reply

Mary Ann Fremont, CA, USA December 28, 2010

From Zero to Non-Zero Sum Games Great Teaching! Thank You. Reply

Frederick Firkey ,Shelton CT. December 19, 2010

You & I Dear Rabbi; I am a gentile, however I have been studying Kabbalah for 2 1/2 years now and I have found that your people, are still learning from a book that is 5000 years old. My people have done nothing to change in 2010 years and, have demonized the Jews for that many years . I enjoyed your (sermon), lesson very much and look forward to the day I can become closer to people like you! Thank You for a very insiteful talk. Reply

Martha Bogotá, Colombia December 14, 2010

From Zero non Zero Games It was very interesting class:
We have to care nature= We have to
care Bo-Re.
Thank you
Martha Reply

Richard Raff December 13, 2010

From Zero to Non-Zero Sum Games All people should observe Shabbat so you truly can understand what Rabbi Asher Crispe is talking about, just give it a chance. Reply

john smith fort lauderdale, fl December 13, 2010

he who controls the money wins after living in the US my entire life i can see that being one of the richest countries on the planet is a reason for us to gain access to another level of the soul like you point out. people from all over the world come here for one reason, the US dollar and the value that it represents around the world.
if the fed reserve bank keeps printing money and devaluing the dollar and/or inflation kicks in and everyone has to pay $100.00 for a loaf of bread you will see how easily people revert back to the hunter gatherer levels of the soul. it seems for now they are pacing it so that does not happen over night from fear of a mass panic around the world. it seems a monetary value is a major player in people getting to the next level of humanity. with out it we are just another tribal area in africa or any other poor country who still live in primative atmospheres. i know most people dont look at the dollar but it does state "In G-d We Trust" and there is a reason for these words printed. Reply

Kayo Tokyo, Japan December 13, 2010

Very interesting Baruch HaShem

Thank you for your very interesting class. Your presentation with Hebrew is especially beneficial. Reply

Sue Brown Lubbock, Texas December 13, 2010

Books What a blessing was your wife's article in Chabad on Tevet 5! I began my love of books at age 3 and read in Jr. High Library at age 5. I am now a widow of age 70 and a Convert. This means I am trying to read all books in Jewish now and Torah is my constant companion, Kabbalah for some reason is easy for me to understand.
forgive me for going on and on.
All I have to say is Todah Rabah (thank you very much)!!!!!! for teaching.
Shoshanna Simcha Reply

Chaya Gross Akko, Israel December 6, 2010

Excellent BH
Very well said, clear and concise. Reply

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