Chanukah with the Rebbe

Children’s Rally, 25 Kislev, 5741 • December 3, 1980
The Chanukah candles evoke the memory of the small group of Jews who fought those who had opposed the Torah. Today, we each battle our own evil inclination as well. Our current mission and battle is for the coming of Moshiach, as we request three times a day during prayer.

7th Night of Chanukah, 5748 · December 21, 1987
When a Jew celebrates Chanukah, he may be confronted: “You Jews are so few compared to
the nations of the world. Yet you hold fast to your customs and commandments, ignoring what
the billions of non-Jews around you think and do… Wherein lies your strength to stand in the
face of such odds?”

1st Night of Chanukah, 5752 · December 1, 1991
An address at the Chanukah Live worldwide satellite hookup at 770: The ultimate purpose of science is to discover new ways to facilitate and increase our ability to serve G-d. This we see clearly here at this gathering: Jews in every corner of the globe were able to tune in, via satellite, and watch as a little child kindled the Chanukah flames.

Chanukah reminds every Jew that it is G-d’s eternal mandate to carry the torch of His
“Mitzvah-candle and Torah-light.” With most Mitzvos, the “candle” and “light” are not
physically visible. But with the Chanukah candles we see how fulfilling the Mitzvah creates
actual physical light that illuminates all one’s surroundings.

Chasidism is often challenged based on the fact that it’s a relatively new path in the service of the Almighty. But the laws of Chanukah actually provide an important answer for this question. The Torah and Mitzvos are our best weapon against the darkness of the world around us. As we get closer to the end of this exile and the darkness increases, it’s also necessary to add more light as a counterbalance. Jewish observance has minimums set by Jewish Law. Then there’s going beyond these minimums, to “beautify” it, which can be done in various ways. The lesson of the Chanukah lights for the year ahead is to strive to be the best Jews we can possibly be.

We all know the story of Chanukah: With all the odds against them, the Jews were victorious over their enemies. However, when they returned to the Holy Temple, they found that all the oil for the Menorah was defiled. God made a miracle and the oil lasted for eight days until they could procure new oil that was pure.
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- Chanukah (1439)