
8 Major Hanukkah Myths

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8 Major Hanukkah Myths

Let's bust some urban legends about this wintertime holiday.

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Anonymous December 22, 2024

I have a question about number five:

latkes have been a part of chanukah since the actual channuka story when Yehudis killed helophernes using cheese latkes and strong wine the tradition was to have cheese latkes until the jews in Russia didn't have cheese so they used potatoes so altho eating "doughnuts" dates back further than POTATOE latkes, CHEESE latkes predate doughnuts altogether
also how do we know for sure that what rambam is talking about is doughnuts? al sfinj could be as similar to doughnuts as potatoe latkes to cheese latkes

so wouldn't latkes be technically older than doughnuts? Reply

anonymous america December 22, 2024
in response to Anonymous :

I've always heard that yehudis used salty cheese so it would coase helophernes to need wine also the video says that the al sfinj stuff were more donut like than latkes but doesnt specify what they were made off Reply

mendel brooklyn December 23, 2024
in response to Anonymous :

in my house my mother and grandmother sometimes make a morrocan donut which is called sfinj Reply

Anonymous December 23, 2024
in response to mendel:

I learned that Yehudis used salty cheese latkes to make helophernes thirsty and then gave him strong wine until he fell asleep when she used his sword to cut his head off. I'm not saying al sfinj isn't like doughnuts or is like latkes but maybe al sfinj is just as similar to nowadays doughnuts as cheese latkes are to nowadays latkes in which case latkes are much older Reply

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