
Rabbi Shmuel Lew

London, England

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Rabbi Shmuel Lew: London, England

Rabbi Shmuel Lew’s father-in-law, Zalmon Jaffe, would visit the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s home in Brooklyn, New York. As a result, Rabbi Lew had the privilege of visiting the home as well.
Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka "Moussia" Schneerson, Lubavitcher Rebbe

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Leah Ontario June 1, 2020

To all who are interested, there is an amazing book that Rabbi Shmuel Lew's father-in-law, Zalmon Jaffe, wrote. It is a set of three and is titled 'My Encounter with the Rebbe'. Included are stories of every visit to the Rebbe and Rebbetzin, as well as stories of his family and friends. It is a book of humor and of history, and many unique photographs are included.
Enjoy, and have a good summer! Reply

jake wevill london, britain May 5, 2012

this is very emotional I wish I could have met the Rebbezin she is a mother and a sister to all the kehillah and beyond she was an outstanding character and she still is with us today in the sociaty in which we live. Reply

Gil Hofberg Richland, Mississippi February 15, 2012

Rabbi Lew I remember being invited to the Rabbi's home while in the London Gemeinscaft during Pesach in 1971-- I was, at this time, attending a seminar at Carmel College. I was then living and traveling through Europe and eventually to Israel later that year on bicycle--It was quite a memorable experience! Reply