
Fumbling for Faith Through Illness and Tragedy

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Fumbling for Faith Through Illness and Tragedy

What is it like to wake up and see that your healthy child has suddenly passed away? What is it like to watch your dream of having a large family evaporate, as you fight a relentless cancer, and undergo non-stop chemo treatments? Ester Zirkind takes us along her journey searching for strength and faith.
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Loss, Mourning & Consolation

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Christa Mordechai Reno, NV March 25, 2023

Wow amazing story. Very touching. Thank you for sharing! ❤️ I have three children and if I had tragedy, I am sure I would think and feel the same. It is amazing to hear your strength with God's help to being you to a place of peace. Baruch Hashem. Reply

Tikvah Duesters Richland Center March 22, 2023

I needed to hear this. I too have grown through great tragedy of the rug being pulled out from under me in a six figure income, my home, and then a debilitating disease. I've since then been on the rebound and have learned more in the past 15 yrs. than in my entire life! I'm in my 60's now and am on the road to recovery, not only spiritually but physically. BH Reply

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