
Why G-d Why? How to Believe in Heaven When It Hurts Like Hell

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Why G-d Why? How to Believe in Heaven When It Hurts Like Hell

Rabbi Schusterman's young wife died suddenly at 36, leaving him with 11 children. His journey led him to a deeper exploration of Judaism's teachings in dealing with tragedy and finding comfort.
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Pain, Suffering & Tragedy

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Carla California May 26, 2023

This was very helpful to me. I will listen to it again and take notes. Chana's questions were outstanding, insightful, and thoughtful and Rabbi Schusterman's answers were also excellent. Much thanks for sharing this interview. Reply

Asher Efraim Feldman Arad February 17, 2023

Thanks for the interview. That was an impressive bombardment of difficult questions from “Wiseberg” bombardment foundation — if I could call it like that. Thanks for the plentiful new vistas shared by Rabbi Gershon Shusterman.

Previously, I was familiar just with Rabbi Eliahu Tauber shiurim on suffering and Dr. Miriam Adahan book “The gift of life”. This adds whole new dimensions.

Just yesterday, I heard one short shiur, crowning the idea of suffering in a rational way. It was by Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer student of Rabbi Yaakov Weinberg on Internal Law vs. External Law. All his shiurim on Mishpatim touch various points on Divine providence. I found it to be a great complementary with the ideas of Rabbi Gershon Schusterman. It will be better understood after playing the strategy game of Democracy 3 or 4. To understand social architecture and social dynamics after legal verdicts and legislation. Reply

Debbie USA February 16, 2023

It is so inspiring to see how a man who went through so much tragedy in his life was able to overcome his trauma, and rise higher than ever before. It is also so amazing to see how he recognized and excepted that it was all from G-D and no bad comes from G-D, although it is painful at times.
May we merit the coming of Mashiach speedily in our days! Reply

Daniel Nemanpour February 15, 2023

Thank you for sharing made me cry and sympathize. Reply

Ari San Diego February 12, 2023

May her memory be a blessing and may we celebrate with Moshiach now! Only simchas! Reply

Mariab USA January 29, 2023

For this reason, I love the Jews, for the way to find G.d, in any situation. There is nothing more comforting than knowing that one has a bond with Hashem, even if one is suffering. Thank you Rabbi for the teaching of the wisdom that you have acquired here on Earth. Reply

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