
Changing Your Head Space

A Rosh Hashanah VideoCast

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Anonymous September 17, 2011

sarah i like all the discussions but it is better if you also share your handouts to us. G-d Bless! Reply

Anonymous August 30, 2011

Chaning Your Head Space Thank you for these insightful words. The best way to change the world in a positive way is to change ourselves in a positive way and that change starts in our head space.

I was at the womens convention iin Melbourne, Australia where you were the key speaker. The women who attended are still talking about the inspiration you brought.

Thank you for this video. Reply

Paula Bonnie Golladay Falls Church, VA via chabadva.org August 31, 2008

Rosh HaShannah Sara Esther,
Thank you for this wonderful message. It is not only the time for all Jews to begin to plan and prayer for the New Year naturally. For me it is now the time for me to come home to my Jewish faith, plan, pray, and think what Hashem has been telling me for 35 years.

May you have a sweet Rosh HaShannah Reply

Sarah Zadok September 12, 2007

Shana Tova Thank you for providing this vessel. Sara Esther, you are an inspiration. May G-d bless you, the writers and the readers of the JewishWoman.org with a year of pure and revealed blessings - Btw, this site always helps me find the right "headspace." Thank you for providing this amazing opportunity for Jewish women to gather together and share strength and wisdom. It is a great pleasure and honor to be a part of this beautiful online community. Blessings.


Anonymous West Hartford, CT September 11, 2007

Thank you for this delightful teaching! What a joy to learn from Sara Esther Crispe "in-person"! I will incorporate her teachings today into my prayers at Rosh HaShanah and in the year to follow, with the intention of being willing and prepared to develop, to learn, and to change as appropriate in order to grow spiritually. Thank you for this wonderful New Year's lesson. Reply

Edith Brown Silver Spring, MD September 11, 2007

Changing Your Head Space So I finally see the beautiful face behind the beautiful heart. You have always had a way of reaching out Sara and touching your readers and this video was no different. It was a "wake up" call to many I'm sure. The video explained hidden meanings we never question. Rosh Hashanah was just words until now. Reply

Diana Macias Montebello, CA September 10, 2007

THANK YOU. Much of our lives is always involved with changing and cleaning our 'House' space. This video touched my heart tremendously, for me personally and the heartbreaking experience. Sara, you have made me realize in such a simple manner...it is changing the way I think...my desire to change...I must change my personal Head Space, my own Heart Space. Thank you for your words that were so very powerful. I bet that you did not know when you recorded this that me your reader would be touched and directed so very uniquely. Blessings and Thank you for these words.

Arielle Bristol, TN/USA September 9, 2007

Rosh Hoshanah Thank you for this video, it gave me a greater understanding of what beginning the New Year is really about. Reply

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