
The Mystic Who Taught the World to Be Grounded

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The Mystic Who Taught the World to Be Grounded

How the greatest of Kabbalists teaches us to direct spiritual aspirations to transform the world. Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 17 Behar – Lag b’Omer)
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Ethics of the Fathers, Simeon ben Yohai, Rabbi, Lag BaOmer, Behar, בהר - ל"ג בעומר

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wait what May 26, 2024

24:40 sounds incorrect
Hashem did want us to stay in Gan Eden that's why he commanded Adam not to eat from the tree!!!! Reply

Ari Shishler Sandton May 27, 2024
in response to wait what:

Yes, that's what makes this so intriguing.

On the one hand, Hashem seems to want us to stay in Gan Eden, hence the instruction not to eat the fruit.

On the other hand, He seems to set Adam and Eve up. Firstly, why make a forbidden fruit? Why, locate the Forbidden Fruit right where they had immediate access to it (especially considering the Talmud's suggestion that they were only forbidden to eat it for 3 hours until Shabbat)? Why send a snake to tempt them?

He wanted humans to sample Gan Eden, make a choice that would result in them being expelled from Gan Eden (see Midrash Tanchuma, Vayeshev 4) and then spend history transforming this world into an Edenic reality by bringing holiness into the mudane (see Midrash Tanchuma, Nasso 16). This way, we would achieve G-d's purpose for Creation, which allows us to become His partners in bringing the world to its purpose (see for example Talmud Shabbat 10a).

Kind regards,

Rabbi Shishler Reply