
From a Mormon in Utah to a Jew in Wisconsin

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From a Mormon in Utah to a Jew in Wisconsin

Basya Edelstein shares her journey, as someone who grew up as a Mormon in Utah, to discover her place in Judaism.
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Conversion (to Judaism); Convert

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CB Brooklyn August 18, 2022

Your presence is so full of light and beauty. So glad you are finally home! Reply

Yaakovah Utah August 9, 2022

This is so inspiring it's amazing to be alive to witness the return of the tribes. Reply

Heidi South Carolina August 4, 2022

Basya, your story is so inspiring. Thank you for sharing!

I look forward to future articles and encouragement to follow
G-d’s calling , not what others may expect or even demand from us. Reply

Chaya Johannesburg August 3, 2022

Wow! Basya thank you for sharing this story, it has touched me in so many ways! You have such an incredible sincerity and determination. I wish you hatzlacha in all you do! PG more of your dreams should materialize! Reply

Tova United States August 3, 2022

This story makes me think of Tehillim 45-46. For years I have said there are many Jewish souls locked in gentile vessels. Never thought I would see someone convert from Mormonism to Judaism so openly. I am truly amazed, yet not surprised. Basya is very brave to make this leap of faith; it is not easy to leave some religions. People do not realize how many parallels exist here. There are 13 principle of Judaism; Mormons have 13 articles of faith. I identify with Basya about needing the truth and seeking how to serve Hashem. This story is truly fascinating and beautiful. Some of our journeys are very painful and full of loss. However, some people know their neshama is Jewish early on. The inner turmoil is unbearable if a person is forced to observe anything contrary to their inclination. When I was at my lowest spiritual point I first encountered Chabad. It was nearly 20 years later when I understood Hashem was guiding me home. Moshiach Now! Wishing you health, wisdom & peace. Reply

Rachel San Francisco August 3, 2022

What amazing determination and perseverance! Wishing you and your husband a very happy life together and an ever-growing expansion of your connection with Hashem and the Jewish community - friends, teachers and family! Reply

Tiffany Mladinich Murrieta August 2, 2022

What a beautiful, beautiful story! Thank you for sharing your journey. Reply

charlotte wood August 2, 2022

Incredibly grateful to have found this talk. I have a great deal of respect and admiration for your honesty, heartfelt journey, and determination to find a way to god. I am in a similar position trying to climb forward towards conversion. My journey began as a little girl and having a silver Star of David placed in my hand that my grandmother purchased at a market… it’s incredibly how god finds you. I pray I get to your point and find a community and Jewish friends. It can be lonely looking for your Jewish family (community) out there. Very grateful to this website community. You have touched my heart and held my learning together throughout a challenging couple of years. Thank you all xxx Reply

YK Los Angeles August 2, 2022
in response to charlotte wood:

Perhaps an idea for you would be to use the "Chabad Locator" tool on this website to see where your closest Chabad Center is.
That way you may be able to connect with a Jewish community.
All the best of your special Journey Reply

charlotte wood August 3, 2022
in response to YK:

Thank you so much - I will have a look :) Reply

Melanie Meira Huet Illinois August 1, 2022

B”H!!!! Basya!!!! You KNOW I am so so happy for you, I am arguably (next to yourself) THE most excited for you!! Your Neshama is Jewish and now everyone knows what your spark told you as a child!! Not everyone understands the depths of where you came from…I do. More importantly Hashem does, and He heard you, saw you, and answered you.
Basya a Chassid…..I KNEW you had an extra special spark!!😉 THIS is a beautiful, beautiful life story. Am Yisrael Chai……❤️B”H You look even more radiant than you did in Israel…..your outside matches your inside and your light is incredible!! B”H, B”H, B”H!
Melanie Meira Reply

TERESA KONOPKA San Diego August 1, 2022

Welcome to the Tribe! Reply

Mitzi Connecticut August 1, 2022

Funny she doesn't see that her upbringing, religion touching all aspects of your life, intensive study... not unlike Chabad. Just an observation... Reply

Melanie Meira Huet Illinois August 1, 2022
in response to Mitzi :

How do *you* know she doesn’t see it?!
You should reach out to this incredible soul. She is more than this interview and an incredibly smart woman. This is but a snip-bit of her journey. Seriously, reach out to her…..I’m pretty sure she gets the correlation. Reply

Anna Ga. August 24, 2022
in response to Melanie Meira Huet:

Great interview-thank you for making this possible- Reply

Martha Radzimirska Toronto July 31, 2022

I am a Polish person, an emigrant to Canada. I have always felt a pull toward living a chassidic life. Im trying to live the Chassidic way as a noahide and have been doing so for some time. I believe my father was born a Jew. But not my mother. My fathers side are holocaust survivors. Later this year I have plans to go to Isreal, i was invited there. My father always told me not to be Jewish. He has a lot of PTSD. I love being a Chassid. I identify as one, even if its not true, it Is true to me. Reply

Angela Brown Bexley Ohio July 31, 2022

What a wonderful story! Me and my family are doing Jewish conversion. When we moved in 2019 to columbus Ohio for our conversion process. This story is so uplifting! We love Judaism and the Jewish people it is a hard process but there is nothing more beautiful than BeneIsraels relationship with Hashem.
Very inspiring thank you! Reply

Gilana New York July 31, 2022

B’Hatzlacha! So special! Reply

Chana D July 15, 2022

When my conversion was approaching there were so many harsh events that happened to me. When Basiya was telling her story of moving to Chicago, dealing with blizzard and fire it reminded me of events in my life. But BH” these obstacles were overcome and I have a kosher house with a wonderful family! Reply

L July 5, 2022

Amazing! Reply

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