
Shlucha in Ukraine Shares Her Harrowing Journey

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Shlucha in Ukraine Shares Her Harrowing Journey

Aliza Silberstein, Shlucha in Chernigov, Ukraine, shares what the last many days have been like for her and her family following the horrific outbreak of war.
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Ukraine War (2022), Chernigov

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carmela Israel March 9, 2022

Could anyone understand what was the name of the ''rabbi's wonderful talk'' and the name of the show, she mentioned she was listening to, that inspired her ? ( on the 20:06 mark of the video) Would you please reply here. Thank you!
Aliza is a true special shlucha of the Rebbe, an extension of the Rebbe's elongated hand... The heart and soul of Chabad that makes Chabad Chabad all over the world. Admirable! Reply

ND March 15, 2022
in response to carmela:

Maybe this one from Rabbi Shais Taub?
SoulWords.org is his website and it's called "How to Be Here" (under topics > emotional well-being)

I'm privileged to say I've been a friend of Aliza for years! She is a real inspiration to me and so many others. Reply

Yael NJ March 7, 2022

This woman is like nothing I've ever seen. I had my kids watch it just to hopefully imbibe some greatness. Wow!
And Chana does a great job. Not interrupting, letting the people talk. She's awesome. Reply

jenifer Houston March 7, 2022

Just amazing interview with this precious young mother. I am safe in USA and she actually made me feel better. Aliza is a gift. Truly a gift. Praying for her family, and all in Ukraine. B"H Reply

Silvana March 6, 2022

I pray for all families they are still left in Ukraine, that war will find an end and peace might be first come. Blessed will be all them they continue just to bring goodness within the world. 🕊 Reply

Esther Herat St John's, Newfoundland, Canada. March 4, 2022

What a powerful story. I needed to hear this! G-d is running the world! While we know that HaShem rules the world, we tend to be disgusted with the war and tend to get emotional. This is Hashem's world! Reply

CS Chicago, IL March 4, 2022

Wow! Incredible!
May Hashem bring all of the Jews of Ukraine to safety, and you should have much Hatzlacha!!!
Moshiach NOW!!! Reply

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