
Seven Habits for a Happier Life

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Seven Habits for a Happier Life

When you're happy, you'll be kinder to the people around you, and you'll bring more light into the world. Practise these tools to attain a happier life.
Self Improvement, Joy; Happiness

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Marc S. commack ny December 28, 2021

Hi Frumma: Thank you for your positive outlook, presentation, suggestions and cheer. I particularly liked the simple analogy of the harder you bounce (throw) a bouncy-ball to the ground, the higher it bounces back up.
G-d Bless,

Frumma Gottlieb February 10, 2022
in response to Marc S. :

Thank you Marc. There is so much research to support post traumatic
growth. Google it. And Torah definitely bases the core value of tshuva on
it. Reply

Sara Fiedler ISRAEL December 19, 2021

Hi Frumma, I just listened to this class and want you to know how very much I enjoyed it. Sooo practical, down to earth and useable ideas. Thank YOU so much. All the best to YOU and YOURS, Sara Reply

Joan Johnson December 12, 2021

This is so helpful and practical. I am going to have to listen to this again. Thank you! Reply

Emanuelle Girsowicz Israel December 12, 2021

Loved this class. A huge thank you to the lecturer Ms. Frumma Rosenberg-Gottlieb.
I was truly impressed by the high quality content, delivered with grace, in an unassuming manner. Reply

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