
The Thugs Convinced Me to Join Them in Siberia

Conference of Chabad Emissaries (2021)

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The Thugs Convinced Me to Join Them in Siberia: Conference of Chabad Emissaries (2021)

The story how I became the rabbi in the city of Novosibirsk in Siberia.
Chabad-Lubavitch, International Conference of Emissaries

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S UK November 7, 2021

Thank you, Rabbi for sharing this wonderful account of overcoming adversity with positive attitude and cheerful tenacity that is beneficent for both Jewish brethren and the wider society. May all your endeavours continue to be blessed with equal vitality and success. Reply

Lionel (Ariel) Moss OXFORD November 5, 2021

Great video, but for me it was awfully marred by the ridiculous, totally unnecessary and inappropriate background music!!
Do Please re-issue without it!
Ariel (Lionel) Moss of Oxford, UK
ps - I happen to have davened in the original small Novosibirsk shul during a visit of a few days to that city in 2007, on my way back from Birobidzan to the UK. Reply

Susan Montreal, Quebec November 5, 2021

So inspirational! Reply

Ann Stacy November 3, 2021

This is just beautiful. I tell my Jewish friends, if I was a Jew I would be Chabbad, Reply

Wulfing von Rohr Grossgmain November 3, 2021

Thank you. Wulfing Reply

Temimah Hunter November 2, 2021

Wow! Kudos for just going ahead and staying on a split second decision. More power to you. Reply

Ali Rion November 2, 2021

Wonderful inspiring story Reply

Gloria Dunn Ann Arbor, Michigan November 2, 2021

What a heartwarming story ! I myself have traveled not such a distance for health reasons , become uplifted to look for inner strength. What a magnificent shul ! As a simple person, thank you for your strength and courage that we can all look forward. Thank you . Reply

Carola Hume Australia November 2, 2021

Interesting story, Jews seem to frequently travel the road that's less travelled !

In my humble opinion, some aspect of anti-semitism comes from the fact that the majority of people don't know any jews, nor what they are about.
IMO this could be alleviated by once a month more or less, rabbis have an 'open day' somewhere in a public place like a park & have a shabbat meal for passers-by & homeless people invite them to sit down & eat & then tell stories... not too deep stories, something light & jewish.
I'm sure eventually it will gain a bit of media attention, so the journalists should also be invited to sit down & eat --- a sort of marketing judaism to gentiles so they don't fear jews. 'cos I think anti-semitism is often fear-based.
I think a public place is more suitable for gentiles because it would be less intimidating than going into a chabad house, and also for safety reasons, 'cos you never know if there is some rabid anti-semite out there hoping to cause damage & destruction. Reply

Adam Deane Strathalbyn, South Australia November 2, 2021

A beautiful and moving story. Thank you for sharing. Reply

Aaron Alter Carlsbad, CA USA November 2, 2021

It was an amazing story of faith, courage and perseverance. Reply

Richard Raff November 2, 2021

The Rebbe said it best when he pointed out that where ever there is a Jew there is a light that lasts internally. That light is the hope that all people Jews or non-Jews will realize they are family and friends for the world to come. Reply

Brian Kew Garden Hills November 1, 2021

I am not a Lubavitcher but I am so proud of Chabad and their incredible work! Reply