
A Chassidic Family in Turkey?

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A Chassidic Family in Turkey?

An interview with Rabbi Mendy and Chaya Chitrik, the Chabad shluchim living in Turkey.
Podcast: Subscribe to Ordinary People, Extraordinary Stories
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Silvia Florida, USA June 5, 2021

I truly enjoyed the video portraying Rebbitzen Chaya and Rabbi Mendy Chitrik. The both emanate great spirituality and genuineness. May they continue their mission of Tikun Olam and kiruv for many years to come
Silvia from Hollywood, FL USA Reply

Malky Brooklyn July 23, 2020

Pretty incredible that a couple in Turkey is ready to travel to Detroit to provide their son with an authentic and immersive Jewish environment! Kol Hakovod and May you all always see G-d's blessings in your life! Reply

MS Brooklyn July 22, 2020

Rabbi Mendy and Chaya, your words spoken from the heart are truly "impactful." Wow! May you continue to go MeChayil El Chayil in spreading your special brand of inspiration, great passion and love for Hashem, His Torah and His people! Much continued Nachas!

Elda and Sabi you are a true inspiration to me, in the way that you welcome and embrace change and growth, all without fanfare and so humbly. It is your pure quest for Emes, your sincerity and serious commitment that created the vessel for all this blessing, which you in turn in your own right, now share so graciously, with so much love and support, to others. May you see much continued Nachas. Reply

Batya July 18, 2020

Chaya you're an inspiration.

Who knew growing up that you'd become a Shlucha in Turkey one day!!

May Hashem continue to provide you strength and everything you need to continue your important work.

All the best
Ba-c R. Reply

Rita Forbes Clinton July 18, 2020


This interview was very interesting. I loved hearing how Chabad.org continue to practice Chassidic Jewish traditions in different cultural/religious environments.

I would like to hear more on how this chassidic couple (and others in different places) navigate religious practices and support for the community during COVID-19. Have the Chabad.org couple been able to provide outreach into the Muslim community and make friends as well?

Thank You, Reply

Mushka NY July 1, 2020

Beautiful interview!
I grew up on shlichus too and I would like to comment on the "sacrifices" we made as children of shluchim.
I don't remember feeling like it was hard because that's all I knew as a kid. That was my home and I just loved it.
As an adult I can see what conveniences I could have had. However I would never trade the privilege of growing up in this way where you feel so empowered with the mission to help other Jews.
I hope you have much nachas from your children and they too should feel that Turkey is the best place they could have grown up. Reply

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