
CTeen Concert and Jewish Pride at Times Square

The Hightlight of the 12th Annual CTeen Shabbaton

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CTeen Concert at Times Square - 2020: The Hightlight of the 12th Annual CTeen Shabbaton

Jewish teens gather in New York displaying Jewish pride and unity; featuring a special havdalah ceremony, meaningful inspiration and an exhilarating concert.
Youth, Adolescence

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CAROL L KIROUAC USA February 28, 2022

I had a DNA research report which said my 7x great-grandfather was 100% Orthodox Hasidic Jewish. Don't know much more than that but am very proud nevertheless. Hope to find out more in the future. Reply

PJ Munroe Malaga, Spain March 3, 2020

I am not Jewish but I do enjoy reading about your faith and the contribution you have made to Salvation history. Congrats on this time and be proud to be young Jews in these strange times.
May you enjoy your times and your lives and your culture as I enjoy mine.
May you all be blessed.
Philip (Spain) Reply

Marilyn Finkel March 2, 2020

Jewis Pride Being up to date on all issues, makes me extremely grateful and proud.
Marilyn Finkel Reply

Anonymous Sarasota, FL March 6, 2020
in response to Marilyn Finkel:

The name of Finke is important!!! My maiden name is also Finke and my father was Marty (Morton Max) Who are you and where does your family come from? Are you Michael's daughter or spouse? Please respond. Lorraine Reply

Hermione Joseph Spring-Valley March 2, 2020

Boruch Hashem!! It was amazing. Reply

Irwin Durbach Toronto, Canada March 1, 2020

This makes me so proud to be Jewish.
What an amazing organization Chabad is. We have so many Chabads in Toronto and each one is led by a dynamic, inspirational Rabbi and Rebbitzen. Thank you Chabad for all u do for the Jewish people. Reply

Ruben March 1, 2020

What an event! It was so great and thank Chabad.org for sharing. To really say thank you, now to DONATE! Thank you Reply

Ted Kurz Aventura via chabadchayil.org March 1, 2020

Kiddush Hashem! Chabad has so much to bring pride and the spirit and beauty of Yiddishkiet to the multitudes of Jews all over the world. Tizku l'mitzvos. Reply

Jeff March 1, 2020

CTeen Concert! In the times we are living in now, with people in many places hating on Jews, it is very nice to see so many youngsters being proud to be Jewish and having fun. A huge thanks to those who put this together each year. BH to you and your loved ones and your Jewish communities and for all Jews all around the world! L'Chaim! Go Yisroel! Reply

Anonymous Orlando March 1, 2020

Am Yisroel Chai!! Reply

Sylvia Weissmann Israel March 1, 2020

Very moving. I could watch it every day Reply

Nathalie Knoxville March 1, 2020

Third year in a row for my kiddos! Cteen Knoxville small chapter but full of pride and joy of their jewish heritage. We love sending them to this shabbaton. I really enjoyed the video of the boy who explained the beauty of bring different and how to accept it. We have that conversation with our kids often since they are unable to attend jewish schools. Thank you Chabad!!!! Reply

Anonymous Las Vegas, NV, USA March 1, 2020

Incredible!!! G-d bless the children and Chabad!!! Our heritage is living on and being embraced in modern times by our future - our teenagers.The commitment of Chabad is extraordinary! We need this to become an event in Las Vegas, too! This is a mitzvah that Chabad has provided in organizing this event! Thank you! Reply

Aleksandra Belgrade March 1, 2020

Beautiful, kol hakavod, Israel! Reply

Hanni Moldovan Phoenix March 1, 2020

Beautiful, thank you soo much!!! Reply

Brigitte Angelika Meyer germany March 1, 2020

Wonderful ! Reply

Avi March 1, 2020

That’s amazing wow, thank you Hashem all are one Reply

Jeff Oahu, Hawaii March 1, 2020

And to think that's only one city. We have suffered
many times but still thrive. Reply

Eli Goldsmith Jerusalem March 1, 2020

Kol hakovod :) enjoyed being there a few years back with #NissimBlack an amazing weekend & Shabbaton! Reply

David Charles Telliho Kalona February 29, 2020

Beautiful! Reply

Rafi yitzhaki St Charles February 29, 2020

A M A Z I N G ! Reply

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