
As the Stars of the Sky

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As the Stars of the Sky

How Abraham's conversation with G-d sets the trajectory for our nation's history for all times.
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Abraham, Lech-Lecha, Covenant Between the Parts

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Gary Israel October 26, 2023

Thank you. As always. Reply

Anonymous Lithuania November 7, 2019

I would give up on my dream to live in Israel, if i knew that all jews can return with their right to Israel.
I would stop dreaming of a land of milk and honey, if G-d told me, that all of his jewish people are there safe and happy and the war is over.
I would continue living in any other land with all kind of people, religious and not, gentiles, not, etc., if i knew, that there is peace in Jerusalem and that Jerusalem is at the hands of God and his people. I am not even jewish, but for jews i can be a jew, because i do understand the importance of the jewish people to have their own land, after all the exiles they had- finally they diserved to have their place... to live and breath and shine like the stars in the sky, and be who they are- the jews, there where they are,-in their homeland -the Israel. Shabbat Shalom Reply

Gary Drake Mitzpe Ramon October 26, 2023
in response to Anonymous:

Come to Israel now. Reply

Liz T Chico, CA July 2, 2019

I pray for you, a Happy 4th of July! Reply

Anonymous June 8, 2019

Thank you for your brilliance and guidance.
In future videos, can you please try to have your students not interrupt you constantly, it is very annoying, we tune in to what you are saying,
Not the interrupting chit chat that stops your flow of ideas and information. Thank you! Reply

Michele Gross June 3, 2019

Thank you Shifra Reply

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