
Haggadah Essentials: Passover’s 3D Plan

The Haggadah in Depth, Part 23

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Haggadah Essentials: Passover’s 3D Plan: The Haggadah in Depth, Part 23

To fully appreciate R’ Gamliel’s Passover principles, his teachings must be seen as focal points of the Seder narrative – and by extension the fulfilment of Torah Judaism itself. Ultimately, the three types of foods may also be viewed as a sort of recommended scale of spiritual nutrition. The question of which historical Rabban Gamliel this might be is carefully considered. Next, we pass over to the subject of the Paschal Offering itself; the origin of its actual name serves to illuminate its true essence and the sustaining message we are expected to digest.
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Haggadah, Passover Offering

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