Samach Vav: Vehayah Ki Savo
Learning the Maamer והי' כי תבוא
G-d’s blessing that sustains creation in contrast to that of man
All of creation is implemented and sustained through G-d’s blessing (above-below). The natural order of being is simply a passive recipient. In contrast, the blessing initiated by man through Avodah (below-above) reaches levels that transcend the source of creation and elicits novel outcomes far beyond anything imaginable within the natural order.
Why Seder Hishtalshelus is not Hischadshus
The source of Seder Hishtalshelus (origin of the Kav) is an identifiable entity before Tzimzum. In essence, therefore, the Kav emerges, not as Yesh M’ayin, but rather from a state of Helem to one of Gilui—unlike the novel, transcendent Ohr elicited by the Avodah of the Eved Pashut.