
Chukat-Balak in Three Minutes

The Week In Rejew

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Chukat-Balak in Three Minutes: The Week In Rejew

Jono makes jokes, get struck by lightning, and figures out how to mute G-fish. Watch, laugh, and maybe drink a soda?
Balak, Chukat, Chukat-Balak

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Mina R June 26, 2024

Jono:are you related to Alexander the grape? Me: hilarious! Reply

T November 27, 2022

Notice that in the parsha report, that g-fish has a wife and mother, but in the quest series, he has no family. And he is looking for them Reply

D F May 21, 2020

Hahaha Reply

nora galvan dallas February 12, 2018

wwe want more Reply

Anonymous June 27, 2017

the best show ever! :) cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply

Anonymous April 25, 2018
in response to Anonymous:

u reply on my b-day and why lighting??? Reply

NesanelS NJ July 3, 2015

No meaning to the Red Cow is it's meaning! Now that might sound paradoxial! However, the Chatam Sofer (Rabbi Moshe Schreiber D.~165 years ago) explains it as follows: Clearly the mitzva of the red Cow is one whose meaning we are not told the Talmud states this clearly. However, the rabbis also say an 'idea' that sheds light on it. They say that it comes to atone for the sin of the Golden Calf. If so, asks the Chatam sofer, is there no meaning or is there? He answers as follows; What was the whole cause of the Golden Calf (like idolatry)? Because they lost lost proper faith in Hashem, (It was really only certain elements - the Egyptians who had converted, and they influenced others. Still this was an issue for everyone, for had everyone been strong, it would not have happened). The Red Cow comes to purify them. The rabbis say 'let the mother come and clean up after it's child (calf)'. He explains; 'let the doing of a mitzvah for which we do not know the reason, atone for a mistake which was done by not thinking about God! Reply

Deborah Porter UK June 24, 2015

Brilliant! I agree with Snonymous of Brooklyn" Reply

f22rapt lego January 16, 2013

funny i loved it when j-fish couldn't say bad stuff about jono Reply

T.J. New Augusta, Ms December 23, 2011

Nice!! I soooooo liked this one it was toatally wasome!!!!! Reply

Anonymous Bogota, Colombia July 3, 2009

great!!!! but where is the rabbine? Wonderful show, it's very funny and educative....my sister and I love it....
PS: Jono is incredible but we missed the Rabbi... Reply

Anonymous Brooklyn, NY June 30, 2009

Cooooooooooool! This is great! I wish you would make more Itche Kadoozy shows, they are AMAZING! Reply

Nechemia January 31, 2007

Hand showing on bottom of Gold Fish While watching this show with my son,who LOVES this show, I noticed that on this show you can see an arm sticking out of Goldfish.
Keep up the good work, Reply

ND July 31, 2006

This was the best one ever! It took me a little while to get the hitting part, but I loved how Jono made the parsha really relevant. Reply

chaya bigelman July 23, 2006

great that was realy cool and fun Reply

Amy P. Lexington, SC July 22, 2006

COOl I think that the Rabbi should have like 20 seconds of talking instead of 15. I don't think it is right to cut him off. But he has to talk fast but one of the shows he talked slow and got cut off. But also you can not hear the Rabbi good. I hope yall cna change that. But I have alot of things to say, but just can't get them out!! :-) Reply

S berry July 17, 2006

I love the show. but, why was jono struck by lightning? Reply

joe bellstein germantown, MD via chabadgermantown.com July 11, 2006

Why lightning? Reply

Teacher chicago, il July 9, 2006

triple power We (I and my students) love the way you teach the lesson with words, sight gags, and funny but educational happenings. The incident of Moshe Rabbenu striking the rock was told to us ( of course in Jon's own funny way), wackily visually represented on the Week in ReJew computer screen, and then hilariously depicted when Jono became so frustrated with the screen not changing. I always look forward to how you present the lessons with triple power entertaining learning.
Thank you from a teacher who uses your weekly shows in unlimited different ways. Reply

Eendy & Ella Sarasota, FL July 7, 2006

good job This show is realy cool and funny! Reply

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